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Parents are strongly advised to ensure that their children attend school regularly and are punctual. If the children do not attend school regularly then their education will be seriously affected in spite of the efforts of their teachers. When children do not attend regularly the Local Education Authority may resort to legal action. Parents will be contacted for explanations for absence or where children are regularly late.

The doors to the playgrounds will close as soon as the children have entered school at 8.45am. All children arriving after this time MUST enter school via the front door and report to the office.

Government regulations permit parents, if absolutely necessary, to remove their children from school for up to two weeks per year for a family holiday. Authorisation for this must be sought from the Headteacher, who will only authorise additional absence if general attendance is good. Should you wish to take your child out of school during class please request permission in advance. Please report to the office to collect children, and notify the office on their return. When a child needs to attend a medical appointment s/he is expected to attend school for the rest of that day whenever practical.

No child will be allowed to leave the school premises during school time unless we are given prior instructions from parents.

All absences must be explained, either by telephone (all telephone calls are logged), in writing or in person. We are obliged to record all unexplained absences as truancy.

Parental co-operation is essential in preventing lateness becoming a bad habit.

If you have occasion to arrange for someone different to collect your child, please contact school. Office number is 01706 369340