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St Joseph's is a well disciplined school and parents are asked to co-operate fully with us in encouraging the appropriate response from pupils in their attitude, behaviour and manners. The highest standards of behaviour are expected from children in school, and it is expected that older children will set a good example to younger children. We expect that the behaviour of children at the top of the school will be excellent.

Discipline in our school is based on treating one another with dignity and respect. We value self-discipline and encourage reconciliation. The school has a Behaviour and Discipline Policy which places emphasis on choice and self discipline.

School rules exist in order to safeguard the welfare of all who come to school. An understanding of personal responsibility as well as collective responsibility is promoted and children are encouraged to care for the school environment and respect property.

A quiet working atmosphere, attention and concentration to the task in hand, respect for the contribution to learning of each individual and care in the use of equipment are considered of prime importance and acknowledged as such.

Pupils efforts are praised, with the celebration of achievement being viewed as important in promoting self-esteem and high standards.

Unacceptable behaviour such as bullying will not be tolerated, and if a child’s behaviour becomes detrimental to the education and welfare of other children, fixed-term or permanent exclusion will be considered.


Parents are informed at an early stage if a child's behaviour is a cause for concern and joint action taken to resolve the problem. Any concerns on the part of parents must be brought to the attention of school immediately so that they can be dealt with.

In this, as in all other aspects of school life, the support of parents is vital.