
Website Designed by Norden Design

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Health and Safety

In Case of Emergency

You will be asked to complete an Emergency Contact Form when your child starts school. In case of emergency this will be used to contact you, so it is very important that you keep it up-to-date.
 If you need to advise us of any changes, please ask at the office for a new form. We require at least one land line number.

There is no comfortable, quiet place for children in school when they are ill. Parents are contacted if a child needs their care and we will look after your child until you arrive to take her/him home. Minor injuries are dealt with by one of the staff, but if a child suffers a more serious accident the parents are contacted immediately. If parents cannot be contacted 2 members of staff will take the child to hospital for treatment.


As a general rule, school may not take responsibility for giving children any medicine whether prescribed by a doctor or bought privately. Asthma is the only general exception. In exceptional circumstances, with the agreement of the Headteacher, and with written authorisation from parents using the form available from the office, medicines prescribed by a doctor may be administered to your child at school. In this case, medicines must be clearly labelled with contents, child's name and dosage. They must then be given by an adult to a member of staff to be kept in a secure place, supervised and administered by our First Aid Staff. School may not administer medicines which have been bought privately. No medicines are to be kept by children.

It is now the responsibility of parents to check for, and treat headlice, and threadworm.

Items of jewellery, apart from stud earrings, and any other items of clothing which may be considered unsafe (such as shoes with high heels) are not permitted in school.

The bell goes at 8.45am when children are required to line up on the yard.

The school day finishes at 3.15pm. Parents who are collecting children should do so at this time. Please do not leave children waiting as this can be stressful for them. It is the duty of parents to inform school if another adult is collecting your child. No infant child will be allowed to leave school unless they are collected by a responsible adult known to us. Furthermore, we ask that suitable arrangements are made for all the other children so that their general safety and welfare is ensured as they travel to and from school.

School will not allow unaccompanied children to enter a taxi.


Due to restricted access on our school drive and for the safety of all our children:


8.15 AND 9.15 A.M. AND BETWEEN 3.00 AND 4.00 P.M.


In the interests of safety parents should park their vehicles outside school grounds and use the footpath provided.

Please do not park on the grass.

When events are held outside school times, the High School playground is usually available for parking.

The Traffic Committee of parents and Governors work very hard to improve access and safety.

Permits, to use the drive, are issued to children or parents of infant children with a permanent or temporary disability, by the Traffic Committee, and application forms are obtainable from the office. The Committee carry out periodic checks on traffic using the drive.

Your co-operation is appreciated.


EVERYONE visiting school FOR ANY REASON, AT ANY TIME OF DAY is asked to report to the office. All staff have strict instructions not to release children to ANYONE unless this has been cleared with the office.

Everyone meeting children should wait for them by infant exits or on the playground, not by junior cloakroom/toilet doors.

Please ensure that friends or relatives coming up to school are aware of all the above rules regarding traffic and security.