School Meals School meals are provided and some choice is available. The cost is £1.65 per day i.e. £8.25 for a week. Payment is due in advance, and must be sent to school on Mondays. Cheques are acceptable made payable to RMBC, including name and address on reverse side. Advance payments are acceptable and a list is sent out early in the year. (If you choose this option, please indicate this on your envelope.)
Free Meals If you are in receipt of any benefit, your child will probably be entitled to free school meals. Please ask for a form at the office if you wish to apply - all requests are kept strictly private and confidential. Claims should be sent to the Education Department where further information is available on request.
Packed Lunches Provision in the dining hall is available for children to eat a packed lunch. Please ensure that your child's lunchbox does not contain any sharp instruments or glass containers which may cause injury. We encourage healthy eating so please help by ensuring you provide a healthy lunch for your child.
Alternative Arrangements Children may not change from packed lunches to school meals or vice versa except at the beginning of a new half-term. Please notify the school office of any changes.
Milk Milk is provided for children up to the end of Year 2. The L.E.A. make a nominal charge of £6.00 per year for this provision.
Snacks All Key Stage 1 & 2 children receive a piece of fruit daily. They are also encouraged to drink water. Please do not send sweets or fizzy drinks into school.