School uniform details are as follows:
Cardigan, v-neck jumper or sweatshirt - dark green.
- Shirt or blouse - white.
- School tie.
- Sensible black flat shoes
- Skirt, trousers, pinafore dress, - grey.
- In summer: Green gingham/stripe dress.
- Fleece
Most of the above are stocked by Moses School wear of Rochdale, and Monkhouses of Rochdale and Bury.
The school tie is available from school, either with or without elastic. School also stocks separate sew-on badges for those who would prefer to buy plain items from other stockists or to knit their own.
High heels must not be worn. Children should be provided with a hat in very sunny weather.
PE/ Games Kit
It is essential, for reasons of health and safety that all children change into appropriate clothing and footwear for all Physical Education lessons. Children will not be allowed to participate unless suitable indoor or outdoor kit is worn as follows:
Gold polo shirts Dark green shorts Slip-on pumps
In addition, the following items will be needed for outdoor P.E. by Junior children:
Trainers (and Football Boots), Track suit.
Though plastic carrier bags may be brought for storing wet or dirty kit, a proper bag should be provided for storage/carrying of P.E. kit.
Absolutely no jewellery at all may be worn for P.E.
Please ensure that all items of clothing and other belongings are clearly marked with your child's name.
School reserves the right to ban any clothing items which may be considered unsafe.