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Spiritual Life

St. Joseph's is a Roman Catholic School: Religious Education is provided in accordance with the rites, practices, and observances of the Roman Catholic Faith.

It is expected that children admitted to the school will take a full and active part in the religious life of the school.

The school uses the Salford Diocesan R.E. Programme, and other resources are used in support of this core scheme.

In education in the Faith and throughout the life of the school, in our attitudes of respect and support for each other, we aim to develop a faith in each child which is deeply rooted in the Gospel, and inspires self-esteem and personal confidence.  Fundamental to this 'faith journey' is the experience of prayer and sacramental life.

Our celebrations include prayers in class, assemblies, non-eucharistic services, year group Masses and whole school Masses, in church and in school.

The Governing Body accepts the right of parents to withdraw children from R.E. If necessary the Headteacher would make arrangements for this.

You have chosen to send your child to a Roman Catholic school.

 All aspects of education are a partnership, between school, home and parish and you have a duty to support your child as a member of a Roman Catholic community. You must give your child the support s/he needs by taking them to Mass, and by helping them prepare for the Sacraments of Confirmation, Reconciliation and Holy Communion.

Part of this preparation occurs outside of school when children and parents are invited to a programme of meetings run by St. Joseph's Parish. This programme is published well in advance and all parents are kept informed.