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Sports Policy

We believe that Physical Education in school should build on the children's enjoyment of and need for activity and movement, and we seek to encourage the widest possible participation. We seek to develop co-ordination, strength, stamina and skilfulness and to promote spatial awareness, intelligent reactions to situations and an appreciation of physical excellence. We believe that this should lead to a sense of well-being, a healthy life-style and a feeling of self confidence.

Gymnastics, Games, Dance, Athletics and Swimming are included within the school timetable, and the school participates in all inter-school activities including Football, Netball, Basketball, Athletics, Cross-Country, Rounders, and Cricket. Our children are reminded that sport and games are primarily for enjoyment, and that a fair and friendly spirit must be their main concern. Parents are very welcome to attend matches, and the help of parents with coaching is invaluable, but all are asked to maintain a good sporting attitude at all times.