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General Information

The school occupies a site adjacent to Holy Family R.C. / C.E. College.

At present the school has eleven classes accommodating approximately 295 pupils.

St. Joseph's R.C. Primary School is part of the Diocese of Salford network of schools and is one of fifteen R.C. Primary Schools working in and with the Rochdale Local Education Authority.

This is a Roman Catholic school and our values are therefore centred on the person of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Gospel. We intend that these should be found not only in worship, prayer and the R.E. curriculum but should permeate the relationships and daily life of the Faith community at home, in school and in the parish.

St. Joseph's is a coeducational comprehensive day primary school under the control of The Schools Commission of The Roman Catholic Diocese of Salford.

The school is administered on behalf of the diocese by

St. Joseph's R.C. Primary School Governing Body.

The school is led and managed on behalf of the Governing Body by The Headteacher.

The school is maintained by Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council.

THE GOVERNING BODY - The full Governing Body meets at least once each term.