
St. Vincent de Paul
RC Church
OL12 7QL

Parish Priest :
Father James Manock.

01706 645361

This Week’s Newsletter

Guide to Lent
Simple Stations

Bibles in Your Hand
Pray Each Day

See our CAFOD Page

Caritas Click here to find out about CARITAS Volunteer Week

osary Leaflet including Pope Francis’s Prayers
Diocese of Salford Website.

You can give to St Vincents using the Code below


Click HERE for
Readings and the Order of Mass

Click HERE for contacts and further information and HERE for the Guidance Procedure

If you wear a hearing aid, set it to T for the Induction Loop System

Need local Mass Location and Times in England & Wales?
Need a Mass Leaflet in English?
Speak to Fr. James.
Click HERE for a worldwide directory of Catholic Churches

Does any of the following apply to you?
Are you New to the Parish?
Do you know someone, who is sick or in Hospital?
Would you like a visit?
Do you think the Parish may be able to help you?
Do you think you may be able to help the Parish?
If so, please speak to Fr. James

Alternatively, try our
Parish Groups page for information.

Ordinary Altar

 Sunday 2nd March 2025
8th Sunday of the Year
Year C


At Saint Vincent’s This Week …

The Eighth Week of Ordinary Time and First Days of Lent         Psalter Week 4

Monday 3rd March


& Sirach 17:24-29; Mark 10:17-27

9.30 a.m.         Word & Communion

Tuesday 4th March

Saint Casimir [Optional Memorial]

& Sirach 35:1-15; Mark 10:28-31

9.30 a.m.         MASS

Wednesday 5th March


& Joel 2:12-18; 2 Cor 5:20 - 6:2; Matthew 6:1-6.16-18

9.30 a.m.         MASS with Blessing and Distribution of Ashes

6.30 p.m.         MASS with Blessing and Distribution of Ashes

Day of Fasting and Abstinence

Thursday 6th March

Lent Weekday

& Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Luke 9:22-25

9.30 a.m.         MASS

Friday 7th March

Saint Perpetua and Saint Felicity, Martyrs [Optional Commemoration]

& Isaiah 58:1-9a; Matthew 9:14-15

9.30 a.m.         MASS

12.00 noon      Stations of the Cross

            Day of Abstinence

Saturday 8th March

Saint John of God, Religious [Optional Commemoration]

& Isaiah 58:9b-14; Luke 5:27-32

11.00 a.m.       MASS for Peace

6.00 p.m.         Sacrament of Penance (Confessions)

6.30 p.m.         First MASS of Sunday

Sunday 9th March


& Deuteronomy 26:4-10; Romans 10:8-13; Luke 4:1-13

9.00 a.m.         MASS Refreshments after Mass in the Parish Centre

11.00 a.m.       MASS Refreshments after Mass in the Parish Centre



If you are a visitor to Saint Vincent’s this weekend, please feel welcome! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Here is some information to help you feel at home:

HARD OF HEARING? There is an Induction Loop System installed in this Church: if you wear a hearing aid, please turn it to the ‘T’ setting.

Refreshments after Mass: Everyone is very welcome to stay behind after Sunday morning Masses and share a cuppa! Tea and Coffee are served in the Parish Centre on the opposite side of the carpark after 9.00 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. Sunday Masses.

Toilets: The toilet is located near the side entrance: children should not go out of Church unaccompanied. Please use the disinfectant wipes to clean all surfaces after every use—dispose of them in the bin but do not flush them down the toilet. Thank you.

Saint Vincent’s Parish Centre: The Parish Centre is available for parish use and outside bookings. Please contact Robert Allen on 0758 320 7810 for all enquiries.

Please pray for each other, and especially those who are ill or afraid. If you require help

Please do not hesitate to telephone Father James on 01706 645361

Baptisms are by appointment: please collect one of the Information forms from the porch for details of what is required
and the next steps in the process.  Anointing of the Sick Please call the Presbytery to ask for this Sacrament.
It should not be left until the last minute, but the sick should celebrate this sacrament to receive God’s help, healing and comfort.

Marriage is also by appointment. Please take an information leaflet and return the tear off portion to arrange a pre-Nuptial interview.
Please do not make bookings before this interview and note that six months’ notice is required.

 Initiation of Children First Holy Communion is celebrated in Year 3 — registration for 2023 will begin in July this year.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is offered in Year 8 (though we are currently also “catching up” with Year 9 pupils):
young people attending Catholic High Schools will be contacted directly: if your child is at a non-Catholic School,
please speak to Father James for an Application Form.

Initiation of Adults It is my hope to begin a course for Adult Baptism/Reception into the Church soon.
Please watch this space!

We try to have the latest information on the News and Events page.