From humble beginnings in a temporary structure in 1969, the school has become an exceptional success story 
Congratulations to the staff amd pupils at St. Vincent’s Primary School following their most recent Ofsted inspection in 2017, when they retained the status as a "good" school. Well done to all. The report can be found on the school web site.
Just before the Easter holiday 2014 we had an R.E. Inspection at St. Vincent’s Primary School. The Inspectors said “St Vincent’s is an outstanding Catholic Primary school. There is a wonderfully warm and friendly welcome given to all. All children are provided a Catholic education in a caring and supportive environment where differences are welcomed and celebrated. All children take a great pride in the school which is fully inclusive.” In our latest inspection (2019) we have retained our “Outstanding” assesment
PRIMARY SCHOOL APPLICATIONS for September 2020: If your child was born between 1st September 2015 and 31st August 2016 your child will start primary school in September 2020. No admission packs will be available this year from school. Applications are being encouraged to be completed on line. Please note you can access a computer at the Rochdale Council Offices at Number One Riverside in Rochdale or at most public libraries. Please click on the following link:- Further information is available on the School Website.
On Sunday 24th November we formally welcome this group of children into the new programme for the coming year. Any baptised children of Y3 or older who do not attend our Primary School and who wish to make their First Communion next year should contact Fr. James
School Website The School website at is an excellent site for pupils and parents
School Contact Details
Telephone : 01706 642469 or 01706 710303
Postal address : St Vincent de Paul RC Primary School Edenfield Road Norden Rochdale OL12 7QL