Statue 2

Click HERE to open the most recently added copy of the Parish Weekly Newsletter.

For August, we have a general information sheet. In the absence of the usual Newsletter Mass times will be as per the normal Timetable.

Click HERE
Readings for the coming week are also available on the same link

St. Vincent de Paul RC Church, Norden


St. Vincent de Paul Church,
Caldershaw Rd.,
Rochdale OL12 6BU
Tel : 01706 645361

Fr. Frankie Mulgrew and Fr. Nathan Horne were ordained by Bishop Brain at Salford Cathedral.
on Saturday 13th July and Fr. Frankie celebrated his First Mass here at St. Vincent’s on the following afternoon for a large congregation of friends and parishoners. We have added a page with some photographs of both occasions on this LINK.

If your child is presently in Year 2, and you are hoping that he/she will take part in the Sacramental Programme, the first meeting has been arranged for Tuesday 10th September at 7pm in the parish centre. No one can say that they did not get enough notice!

DVDs of the talks that were given during this Year of Faith by Fr, Henry Wansbrough, Fr. Denis McBride, Mgr. Peter Fleetwood and Archbishop Bernard Longley, are available by contacting Guardian Angel’s, Bury on 0161 761 0536 or on e-mail to (see notice board

The SVP thank you for your generosity in donating food to the Rochdale Food Bank, it was very much appreciated. The box for food will remain in the narthex so that food donations can be left at any time.
The Foodbank is a Christian based organisation, which works from premises in Rochdale town centre. It has helped 3200 individuals since it first opened on 1st November last year. It welcomes any food donations that will not perish quickly. Please, not soup or beans – they have lots already – but they are always short of other items including tinned fish, meat, rice pudding, jam, long life milk, fruit juice, pasta sauce and sugar.

Our thanks to all who supported this event, which we are pleased to report has raised £157 to help young Vincentians nationally, to promote their work in schools, colleges and their home communities. 

SVP home visiting. Your Parish Conference has recently welcomed 4 new members. We therefore have the capacity to visit even more people in their own homes, and nursing/residential accommodation. Do you know anyone, living alone, or housebound, or in a home who would enjoy a visit from the SVP? We aim to be a friendly visitor, offering companionship, and a listening ear.  Please contact John Colligan 632533, to arrange a visit. Thank You. 

To find out more about the SVP go to

Please see the Churches Together page for details of Ecumenical Events.


The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes took place from 30th July to 5th August. Again, please go to our Pilgrimages page for further details and contacts.


Click HERE for Weekday and Sunday Mass (Live or Recorded) from Sacred Heart Church in Rochdale.

We have added further information on the Year of Faith page regarding the Catholicism videos with a link to a sample video. The first 3 of the three videos was very well attended in spite of the conditions and we have now posted the proposed dates for the rest of the programme.

We have added the Salford Diocese Video Pages Link on the External Links page. It is well worth checking out.

Why not download the iPhone App for Salford Diocese. It has Today’s Mass Readings as well as a Thought for the Day and further information about Today’s Saint

We have added a link from HERE to the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation
Information added for Primary School Applications and Reception day arrangements See School page

            Weeding and Tidying the grounds
Our considerable thanks to our volunteers and a reminder that it is getting to that weeding time of the year again.

We intend to restart the regular work party on the second Saturday of the month from about 9.30am weather permitting. If you can spare the time, please come along and bring a few tools. If the time does not suit there is nothing to stop anyone coming along at any time.

             Our Website
We still have a problem getting the Vatican Newsfeed to incorporate into the site; we applied in August 2012 to the Vatican for permission but we have not had a response as yet.

We do need suggestions for improvements to the site. Just because we have managed to produce a website. it does not make us professionals. So we would be very grateful for help and assistance from IT professionals with internet expertise; we will do what we can but guidance is what we need. Please help!
Contact us at  

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