
The Catenian Association
Centenary Conference and Social Weekend
   15th - 18th May 2008

Conference and Catenian Venues

The Bridgewater Hallbridgewaterhall

Will be the venue on the Saturday morning for the 2008 Conference, with Fr.Timothy Radcliffe OP, Formerly Master General of the Dominican Order as our keynote speaker and on the morning of Trinity Sunday 18th May, the Bridgewater Hall will be transformed into a great Catholic Cathedral in the heart of Manchester. Solemn High Mass will be celebrated by His Eminence Cormac Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor, Archbishop of Westminster in the presence of around 2,000 brothers and wives.

Manchester's prestigious international concert hall opened in September 1996 and since its opening has continued to receive plaudits from artists and audiences alike for its stunning design and marvellous acoustics

This state of the art building with its magnificent Marcussen & Son pipe organ will prove a fitting venue for the centrepiece of our celebrations.

Barton ArcadeThe Barton Arcade

Where it all started in 1908

It is an elegant Victorian arcade of upmarket shops and office space located in the heart of Manchester between Deansgate and St Ann’s Square.

The arcade's ornate design was heavily influenced by the Milanese architecture of the 19th century and is based on Milan’s Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, which is one of the great neo-classical buildings in the world.

The blue Historic Places plaque in the Arcade, which commemorates the founding of the Catenian Association, is also being renovated. For further information, the link www.bartonarcade.co.uk is expected to be restored shortly.


Salford Cathedral

On Thursday 15th May (6.00pm), the Principal CelebrantSalford_cath_L471539 of the Manchester (1) Circle Centenary Mass of Thanksgiving will be Rt. Reverend Terence Brain, Bishop of Salford.
Manchester Circle was the first Circle of the Association and was given considerable support and encouragement from the beginning by Bishop Louis Casartelli

The Salford Diocesan Web site is at http://www.salforddiocese.org.uk/index.html and among many items of interest on the site, there is a short biographical note on Bishop Casartelli , who was Bishop of Salford in a period of enormous social change from 1903 to 1925. Bishop Casartelli is remembered annually in Province 1 with a Dinner and Lecture in his honour

The Cathedral is located on Chapel St., Salford on the A6, a short taxi ride from central Manchester. Please note that buses have been arranged for those Conference attendees, who have paid the £18.00 Conference fee, are staying in the Conference Hotels and are attending the Manchester Circle Centenary Mass. These buses will transport attendees from the Midland Hotel (only) to this Mass and back to the Midland Hotel for the subsequent Manchester Circle Centenary Dinner at 8.30pm

town_hall McrManchester Town Hall

This Grade I and II listed building with its 280 foot Clock Tower dates from the days when Cotton was King and will be the principal venue for the Civic Reception on Friday 16th May at 8.30pm sharing the occasion with The Midland Hotel.

The building has numerous interesting features. We would recommend a look at the excellent web site developed by the City Council. Click Here
For broadband users there is a virtual tour of some of the rooms at http://www.360spin.co.uk/townhall/three.htm


Hotel Venues

The luxurious Midland Hotel is a member of the QHotels chain and is a historical landmark just yards from The Bridgewater Hall. It will be the venue for Manchester Welcome (jointly with The Town Hall) as well as The Centenary Conference Banquet on the Saturday and The Farewell Lunch on Sunday 18th May

The Palace Hotel is another luxurious hotel of great character (Grade II listed) just a few hundred yards from The Bridgewater Hall. It will host The Manchester Circle Centenary Meeting (registration from 1.00pm on the Friday) as well as The Centenary Carnival Dinner & Dance on the Saturday (6.30pm for 7.30pm).