
The Catenian Association
Centenary Conference and Social Weekend
   15th - 18th May 2008

What is Home Hosting?

It is an arrangement whereby Brothers in Provinces 1 and 17 provide accommodation in their own homes for overseas visitors for a few days before and after the 3 days of the Conference. It gives Brothers in the North West the opportunity to repay some of the extraordinary levels of hospitality that have been shown to us when visiting overseas Circles.

The following is the outline itinerary planned for those Brothers and wives, who wish to avail of the Home Hosting.

Day and Date


Sunday 11 May

Hosts to collect Visitors from Airport or Railway Station. Spend remainder of day with hosts, evening meal with hosts.

Monday 12 May

Day free, evening Stockport Meeting Ladies Invite (meal*)

Tuesday 13 May

Morning – visit to Smithills Hall, Bolton (this is a 13th Century Manor House) Light lunch* at Smithills Coaching House, Bolton, between 1.30/2 pm - Evening Wigan/Leigh Joint Meeting at Wigan - Buffet free Ladies Invite

Wednesday 14 May

Day trip to Cartmel and Windermere (the English Lake District), coach*  Evening free to be home hosted or hosted by Circles

Thursday to Sunday     15 to 18 May

Conference Hotels in Manchester

Monday 19 May

Home hosts to collect Overseas Visitors from hotels in Manchester - times to be arranged with Overseas Brothers.  Day free, evening meetings - a choice of Cheshire North or Bolton meetings.  Both Ladies Invites. Buffet at Bolton will be free.

Tuesday 20 May

Visit to Lyme Hall, Stockport (Stately home) Light lunch*.  Evening Warrington/Salford/Davyhulme - triple meeting - meal*

Wednesday 21 May

Day free - entertained by the home hosts, evening entertained by home hosts or Circles.

Thursday 22 May


Meals and trips marked above with an asterisk,*, are intended to be payable by our guests. Costs to be advised


Visitors to the Conference

If you would like to take up the option of a few days in our homes as our very welcome guests before and after the Conference, please contact Brothers Phil or John via the email links below or via their contact details in the Directory.
If any Home Hosting Brothers from Province 1 and 17 and/or their wives wish to go on any of the trips, they will be very welcome and should also contact Brothers Phil or John