
The Catenian Association
Centenary Conference and Social Weekend
   15th - 18th May 2008

The weekend is over and its time for a few days of rest and recovery from a hectic schedule.

Time for an expression of sincere thanks to all the brothers and wives who travelled from all corners of the world to Manchester in such numbers and contributed so much to making this Centenary Conference such a great and (from the remarks so far) such an immensely enjoyable occasion.

Time also to offer our congratulations and our thanks for such a wonderful occasion to the numerous brothers, who gave so willingly of their time. Remember some have been working for several years on the planning and organisation of the event.

From the “Cradle of Catenianism” in Manchester, we look forward to the numerous celebrations planned to commemorate our first century and especially to next year’s Conference in Harrogate, from 15th to 17th May 2009. Their excellent website is already up and running.

For those, who may have missed some of the events, there are a number of video clips of the highlights on You Tube

Welcome to the Association by the Lord Mayor of Manchester

Keynote speech by Fr. Timothy Radcliffe

Conference Mass Homily by His Eminence Cormac Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor

Clip from the Manchester Experience Dinner Dance

The 168 Singers sing Welcome Now at the Conference. We have added a sample here of the Welcome CD. It is now available direct from Circle President Cathal McAleese at a cost of £5.00. Please contact him directly by email at cmcaleese@propertyexpress.com

Remember! All proceeds for the CLEAN WATER FOR AFRICA campaign, which is Brother Cathal’s and also Grand President’s Charity for 2008/09