
The Catenian Association
Centenary Conference and Social Weekend
   15th - 18th May 2008

FAQ’s or Frequently Asked Questions

At the Catenian Association, we've done our best to create a Web site that anticipates the needs of visitors to the Centenary Conference. We have introduced this faq page to try to deal with those queries, which are not readily covered on other pages and, of course, those items we have completely forgotten to address. So, if you do not find an answer to your question here, contact us via the links on the Contact page. We will try to reply as quickly as possible and also add the Q&A here

Why does everyone have to pay an £18 Conference Fee?

There are costs of around £50,000 in running the Conference, which are allocated to those Brothers and ladies who attend. This includes costs of £21,000 directly relating to the Saturday dinners and Sunday farewell lunch, other than the costs of the food; a further £29,000 is incurred by the Friday evening reception, transport, some printing costs and refreshments on Saturday and Sunday morning. This expenditure is recovered through a combination of the Conference fee of £18 per person and the ticket prices of the functions.
There are further costs in excess of £50,000, which are partially offset by sponsorship of £21000 secured for Manchester, leaving a normal budgeted deficit for the Conference, similar to Cardiff, of a little under £29,000. This is funded each year by the total membership, through the Capitation Fee as shown in the Accounts. This covers Grand Council expenses, all costs of guests, most of the costs associated with the Sunday Mass, all of the costs of the Saturday morning Conference and the marketing of the weekend.

Why do I have to pay a £5 Fee to attend a Circle Meeting on Friday afternoon?

This is to offset the costs directly associated with this special Centenary Meeting, which includes the provision of refreshments.

Why is it better to complete an original Booking Form included in Catena rather than downloading a copy from the website?

The original hard copy is double sided and whilst both sides are available as a download on the website, more often than not, only the front is printed off and forwarded to the Honorary Ticket Secretary, thereby omitting completion of dietary requirements, any special needs concerning accessibility/mobility and details of the hotel where Brothers are staying. This can cause difficulty for Brothers during the Conference.

With two Civic Receptions, how do I know I will be going to the same one as my friends?

The allocation of tickets for each of the locations will be by Province nearer the time, ensuring Brothers/ladies within a Province will be attending the same venue. Two venues are necessary on account of the high numbers attending. Health & Safety requirements will only allow you entry into the venue that will be identified on your ticket.

I have special dietary requirements. How do I know that they will be communicated to the appropriate hotels/venues?

Details of all dietary requirements, submitted on the Ticket Application Form will be communicated to all Official Hotels (only) plus the venues for the Manchester Circle Centenary Dinner, the three functions on the Saturday night and the Farewell Lunch.

Why is transport only available for those staying in the Official Conference Hotels?

Whilst 95% of all those Brothers staying in hotels have booked into the Official Hotels, everyone has the choice of staying anywhere inside or outside the City. It is not cost effective or practical to collect a few Brothers from individual hotels.

I am going on a Ladies Tour. Will I be back in time for the reception to which I have been invited at 12.30pm at the Midland?

That is the intention! Tours have been scheduled in order for the coaches to be back in time for the reception.

Why can I not obtain any accommodation in Manchester on the Wednesday night?

This is because the Uefa cup final is being held at the City of Manchester Stadium that night!

When will I receive my tickets?

Tickets will be dispatched before 14 April

How do I know my application has been received?

Your cheque will have been banked!!

Will I be able to attend any event or function without a ticket?

Because of the number of events, the large number of attendees and the finite capacity of venues, it will be necessary to have a ticket for all events and functions. The stewards have been briefed only to admit those with tickets. Tickets will be necessary for seating arrangements for High Mass at the Bridgewater Hall.

Will I be able to use a coach if I have not booked for a particular event?

The number of coaches being arranged is sufficient only for the numbers of people booking.

Is there still a need for volunteers from Brothers of Province 1 and 17?

Certainly! The large numbers attending mean that even more volunteers are required both for Home Hosting and for Stewarding. If you feel you can help, please act now and confirm your willingness to help to one of the following volunteers. All you have to do is click on the email address and fill in your details. DO IT NOW!

Home Hosting : Please contact Br. Phil Brown of Davyhulme (233) pv.brown@ntlworld.com or Bro John Riley of Wigan Circle (16) dor.jon@btinternet.com

Stewarding :- Please contact Brother Peter Smith of Stockport (71) PLSmithKSG@aol.com or Bro. Brian Hampshire of Oldham (140)sjhampshire@zen.co.uk