
The Catenian Association
Centenary Conference and Social Weekend
   15th - 18th May 2008

Centenary Conference News and Newsletters

The Welcome CD  STOP PRESS

You can now view the video of the 168 singers performance at the Centenary Conference

Clink on this You Tube link

The Welcome CD

From an unusual membership initiative, involving setting up a singing group in Manchester North and Middleton (168) Circle has evolved the writing and production of a CD of a Welcome song for this Centenary Conference. We have a sample playing in the background.
The CD is for sale at £5.00 at most venues during the Conference with all proceeds to Circle 168’s Presidents Charity, which is the Grand President’s Charity - Clean Water for Africa

Diocesan Support

Once again, we welcome the continuing support of the Diocese of Salford for the Catenian Association with their publicity for the Centenary Mass and for the Catenian Association via notices and links on the front page of their excellent web site at http://www.salforddiocese.org.uk/index.html. The site is an in-depth, comprehensive resource for all Catholics in the Diocese and is remarkable for how up to date the content is maintained  

Did you know?

Dr. George Patrick Murphy-O’Connor, father of the Archbishop of Westminster, was a member of Reading Circle in the early 1950’s

John O’Donnell’s Grave in Moston Cemetery has been refurbished by Bro. Nick McGarry of Manchester North and Middleton Circle.
We congratulate Bro. Nick on the superb workmanship.

View of inscription

View of location
View of Gravestone location

The grave is about 40 yards North East of the prominent memorial to Allen, Larkin and O’Brien