
The Catenian Association
Centenary Conference and Social Weekend
   15th - 18th May 2008


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Letter from Brother Grand President David Taylor to Bro. Phil Brown Province 1 Provincial President

Dear Brother Phil,

I am writing to thank you as Provincial President and to ask you to convey to all members of Province 1, the gratitude and thanks of Kathleen and myself for delivering what was the Conference of a lifetime.

I know I speak for all those who attended, that the experience of all the elements of the weekend, the Manchester1 Mass, Banqueting and Meeting, the Grand Council Meetings went very well. Then the crowning glory, a marvelous Conference with the motions going well, and a brilliant speech from Father Timothy Radcliffe, which lightened the mood after my more serious speech.

The events were well prepared and enjoyed by all those who attended them and the Mass on Sunday was superb, with the roof well and truly lifted by a congregation of 2,000, who responded to the wonderful music and choir by singing their hearts out. The homily given by the Cardinal was just right and summed up the whole fantastic weekend.

Our children and Grandchildren and extended family enjoyed every minute of the weekend and most importantly for Kathleen and me, our two families – Catenian and Blood, met and felt complete.

God Bless,


(Grand President)